Search Results for: small space

Beyond the Dishes: 17 Surprising Uses for Your Favorite Dish Soap

Beyond the Dishes: 17 Surprising Uses for Your Favorite Dish Soap

While dish soap might be the MVP of your kitchen sink, it’s not just for tackling those stubborn grease stains on your dishes. It’s a multitasking powerhouse that can handle way more than just cleaning plates. In particular Dawn (not sponsored) has been used to save the life of over 150,000 marine birds and animals…

Classic Charm: 15 Habits of the Wise That Need a Revival

Classic Charm: 15 Habits of the Wise That Need a Revival

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, there’s a certain allure in revisiting the timeless habits that were once considered emblematic of wisdom and grace. As we navigate the complexities of the digital age, it’s worthwhile to explore the classic charm inherent in habits that have stood the test of time. These 15 habits…

15 Relationship Rules No Longer Necessary After 50
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15 Relationship Rules No Longer Necessary After 50

Love evolves with time, and as we age, so do our perspectives on relationships. After 50, many individuals find themselves shedding outdated relationship rules in favor of a more mature and fulfilling connection.  These 15 relationship rules are no longer necessary after reaching the age of 50, paving the way for a more authentic and satisfying…

Longevity Diet: 13 Foods to Enhance Your Health and Wellness

Longevity Diet: 13 Foods to Enhance Your Health and Wellness

In the pursuit of longevity and vibrant health, the food we consume plays a pivotal role. While there’s no magic pill for immortality, incorporating specific foods into your diet can undoubtedly enhance your overall well-being and potentially extend your lifespan. Here, we delve into the concept of a longevity diet and explore 13 nutrient-rich foods…

15 Things to Tell Your Partner Every Week

15 Things to Tell Your Partner Every Week

Between work, errands, and the never-ending to-do list, it’s easy to let the day-to-day grind push romance down the priority list. But here’s the secret: strong relationships don’t run on autopilot. They thrive on consistent effort, and a crucial part of that effort is expressing your love and appreciation for your partner. Here are 15…

15 Habits to Ditch After a Certain Age

15 Habits to Ditch After a Certain Age

There comes a point when certain habits that once seemed harmless or even enjoyable may no longer serve us well. Hitting a certain age often prompts reflection and a desire for positive change. Let’s embrace this new chapter and prioritize habits that contribute to well-being, fulfillment, and a sense of purpose. Here are the 15…

17 Unspoken Rules for Married Men

17 Unspoken Rules for Married Men

Marriage is a journey filled with love, companionship, and shared experiences. To navigate this intricate path successfully, married men must understand and embrace certain unspoken rules contributing to a strong, resilient, and fulfilling partnership. Check these 17 essential guidelines that can help husbands master the art of matrimony and foster a relationship built on mutual…

Oops! 12 Mistakes You Might Be Committing Daily!

Oops! 12 Mistakes You Might Be Committing Daily!

We all strive to lead productive and fulfilling lives, but sometimes, without even realizing it, we fall into habits that hinder our progress. In this article, we’ll uncover 12 common mistakes you might be making on a daily basis and provide tips on how to correct them. 12. Not Using the Correct Knife for Cutting…

Life’s Evolution: 13 Interests That Change as You Age!

Life’s Evolution: 13 Interests That Change as You Age!

Life is a continuous journey of growth and self-discovery, and as we navigate its winding paths, our interests and preferences undergo subtle yet significant transformations. The things that once captivated us in our youth may evolve into entirely new passions as we age. In this blog post, we’ll explore the fascinating phenomenon of life’s rewrites,…

Wallet Rescues: 14 Money Mastery Hacks to Save Your Finances!

Wallet Rescues: 14 Money Mastery Hacks to Save Your Finances!

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck or feeling like your finances are in shambles? The good news is, you don’t have to be stuck in that never-ending cycle. Whether you’re looking to save more, pay off debt, or simply make your hard-earned cash stretch further, these money mastery hacks are here to rescue…

Life’s Hidden Treasures: 14 Unconventional Hacks Revealed

Life’s Hidden Treasures: 14 Unconventional Hacks Revealed

Life is an adventure filled with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Unlocking these gems often requires a creative approach and an open mind. Here are fourteen unconventional hacks to unveil life’s hidden treasures: 14. Earring Organizer with a Cheese Grater Transform an old cheese grater into a unique earring organizer. Hang your earrings through…

Weight Loss Roadblocks: 10 Killer Habits Exposed!

Weight Loss Roadblocks: 10 Killer Habits Exposed!

Embarking on a weight loss journey can be like navigating through a maze, and sometimes, certain habits can stand in the way of progress. These ten killer habits are notorious roadblocks that may hinder your weight loss efforts: 10. Inconsistent Hydration Staying properly hydrated is essential for overall health and can support your weight loss…

Reality Check: 15 Practices That Are Honestly Disgusting

Reality Check: 15 Practices That Are Honestly Disgusting

The world is diverse and colorful, and so are our perceptions of everyday things. What one person finds appealing, another may find utterly repulsive. It’s a fascinating aspect of human nature that everyday objects, behaviors, or habits can elicit strong feelings of disgust or discomfort in some individuals. In this blog, we’ll take a closer…

Late to the Parenting Party: 10 Genius Hacks Moms Wished They’d Discovered Earlier

Late to the Parenting Party: 10 Genius Hacks Moms Wished They’d Discovered Earlier

Parenting can often feel like a juggling act with endless tasks to manage. Thankfully, there are numerous tips and tricks to help moms navigate through this journey with a bit more ease. Let’s look at some famous mom hacks! 10. Efficiently Cleaning Kids Toys Using Your Washing Machine Keeping children’s toys clean is a daunting…

The Most Irritating Things About Grocery Shopping and How to Overcome Them

The Most Irritating Things About Grocery Shopping and How to Overcome Them

Grocery shopping, an essential task for most households, can often turn into a test of patience due to various irritating factors. Let’s delve into some of the most common irritating things about grocery shopping. 10. Abandoning Carts at the Checkout Lane to Hold a Spot An irritating habit that some shoppers exhibit is abandoning their…

Too Much of a Good Thing: 12 Activities Ruined by Crowds

Too Much of a Good Thing: 12 Activities Ruined by Crowds

In a world that thrives on connectivity and shared experiences, the allure of popular activities often draws crowds seeking to partake in the excitement. However, as the saying goes, “too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.” In this blog, we delve into the 12 Activities Ruined by Crowds.  12. Art Gallery…

Revive, Reuse, Recycle: 10 Cool Ideas for Your Old Laptop’s Second Life

Revive, Reuse, Recycle: 10 Cool Ideas for Your Old Laptop’s Second Life

Do you have an old laptop or desktop collecting dust? Why not breathe new life into it by repurposing it? This guide provides ingenious ways to make good use of your old portable PC.  10. Using Laptop as a Game Server If your old laptop still functions, consider transforming it into a gaming server. All…

Busted: 10 Innocent Habits That Unveil Your True Self
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Busted: 10 Innocent Habits That Unveil Your True Self

They say that the small things we do day in and day out often reveal more about us than we might think. Our habits, whether we’re aware of them or not, can be subtle indicators of our true selves. In this blog, we’ll uncover ten seemingly innocent habits that have the power to unveil your…

From Diapers to Diplomas: The 10 Toughest Aspects Stay-at-Home Moms Face

From Diapers to Diplomas: The 10 Toughest Aspects Stay-at-Home Moms Face

Juggling the kids and the household, managing the biggest struggles at every turn – it’s no walk in the park. From lack of sleep to that nagging mom guilt, Stay-at-home moms face a ton of challenges. 10. Isolation and Loneliness When you’re at home all day with the kiddos, it’s often just you, the ankle-biters,…

Today’s Choices, Tomorrow’s Triumphs: 13 Life-Changing Habits!

Today’s Choices, Tomorrow’s Triumphs: 13 Life-Changing Habits!

One thing’s for sure – no one’s perfect. We all got stuff we could do better, huh? But just because we aren’t perfect, doesn’t mean we can’t aim for it. Implementing healthier habits in your daily life, like brushing your teeth or setting that old alarm clock, can bring about significant health benefits. It’s not…

10 Ways to Get Geared Up for Back to School: A Kid-Savvy Game Plan

10 Ways to Get Geared Up for Back to School: A Kid-Savvy Game Plan

Hey there, parents and guardians! We’ve got the scoop on 10 top strategies to help your kids gear up for the new school year.  Here are ten easy ways to get ready for back to school if you have kids 10. Make a School Supply List Nothing beats the back-to-school blues like stocking up on…

10 Things To Do in Townsend TN: The Peaceful Side of The Smokies

10 Things To Do in Townsend TN: The Peaceful Side of The Smokies

Townsend TN is quiet but trendy, it has a food scene that is out of this world, and there are tons of outdoor activities for those who love adventure travel. If you like this post, you might also like Planning a Biltmore Escape, Best Time To Go to Disney World: Top 5 Considerations or the 15…

15 Tips for Grocery Shopping on a Budget

15 Tips for Grocery Shopping on a Budget

Food is expensive these days. With rising inflation, everyday items have become less affordable. Americans all over the country are having to revise and tighten their budgets, especially in the grocery category. Even though money may be tight, with some planning and creativity, and perhaps a nifty cookbook, you can still prepare great meals for…


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Hello! We are Justin and Cassity! It’s nice to virtually meet you and welcome to our blog! Tipsaholic is all about the Travel and Family Tips that make our lives easier and add more fun and more (happy) memories to our days. We believe in making everyday life and family adventures simple and memorable. Make…