85+ Words of Encouragement for Kids to Uplift & Inspire Them

Imagine how much more confident your kiddos will be to try new things after hearing these 85+ words of encouragement for kids.

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Speaking to your child in a positive and uplifting way is an essential part of raising happy and mentally healthy kids.

Using words of encouragement for kids is a great way to ensure your child feels loved, listened to, and validated. It will also teach your child how to use encouraging words towards themselves and others through your example.

Using kind language with your child is one of the many important aspects of positive parenting. Setting an example is the best thing you can do to encourage kids to keep going when things get hard and learn to self-motivate.

Supportive home life is the key to helping them develop a positive mindset, even if they struggle to face obstacles or feel insecure about themselves.

Words of Encouragement for Kids

Words Of Encouragement For Kids 1

In this article, you will find:

  • Benefits of using words of encouragement
  • Tips for using words of encouragement with your child
  • General words of encouragement
  • Encouragement for When Your Child is Upset
  • Encouragement When Your Child is Struggling With A Task
  • Encouragement When Your Child is Successful At Something
  • Encouraging Words to Thank Your Child
  • Positive Affirmations for Kids

4 Benefits of Using Words of Encouragement with Kids

1. It Builds Self Esteem and Confidence

If you pick up just about any parenting book, you’ll see that most experts agree that parents and other important adult influences in a child’s life play a vital role in helping them build self-confidence and self-esteem. Affirmations and positive words are a great way to help your child build confidence in themselves and teach them to overcome challenges and solve problems.

While children naturally have a sense of self-worth, it can be easy for that to diminish, which can discourage them. Parents are the first people in a child’s life to offer advice and encouragement, so they set the standard. That’s why it’s so important to prioritize physical and emotional support for kids. As a parent, you are teaching your child how to love themselves.

2. It Teaches the Importance of Trying Rather Than Just Succeeding

You must remember to praise your child for their efforts, not just their success. If you only praise them when they succeed at something, they won’t want to learn anything new or try new things because they won’t want to get through the learning curve of doing new things.

Ensure that you are encouraging trying, even if they don’t succeed at what they are attempting. This praise will instill a desire in your child to try new things, and they won’t be afraid of failure.

3. Children Are More Likely to Challenge Themselves

Kids with support and encouragement are more likely to challenge themselves to try new things, learn new skills, etc. They will have the confidence to try without the fear of failing because they know their time and effort are valuable, despite the outcome.

Children who challenge themself will have more opportunities to problem-solve. They will also develop patience and persistence as they learn new things. Both are excellent skills to learn at an early age. Learning this when they are young will teach them never to be afraid of trying new things, and they are less likely to feel overly discouraged regardless of their troubles or failures.

4. It Sets a Good Example for Kids of How They Should Talk to Themselves and Others

Children are sponges; they absorb information from everything around them. If you show your children support by using plenty of encouraging words and actions, they will learn that behavior and repeat it to their peers, siblings, and even adults.

A few things your child can learn through your example and motivational words are compassion, perseverance, gratitude, positivity, courage, and how to deal with discouragement and failure. Setting an example is often more effective than instructing a child on what to do.

As part of a good example, offer praise, encouragement, and advice to others around you in front of your child. This way, they can be a third-party observer and take in the example that way as well. Try using positive quotes or other inspiring words in your daily life to get in the habit of spreading optimism and positivity.

4 Tips for Using Words of Encouragement for Kids

1. Offer Encouragement Regardless of Outcome

While it’s fine to praise a child when they succeed, it’s important that you also practice praising them for trying even if they don’t succeed. Encouraging a child to learn new skills and try new things is essential to their self-esteem.

Offering children praise when they feel they have failed is the best way to avoid discouragement and fear of failure. Parents actually need to encourage their children to fail because failure is how children learn and grow. Failure is necessary for your child to grow to their full potential.

2. Make It a Part of Your Daily Routine

Remind yourself to use words of encouragement regularly, such as when your child first wakes up, whenever they try something new or different, before bed, etc. Surround your child with positive words.

You can also help your child build their self-confidence by getting some printable positive affirmations for kids, putting them in their lunchbox, hanging them in their room, etc. These affirmations and inspirational quotes are an excellent way for your kids to practice self-encouragement.

Making positivity a part of your daily routine as a parent will help you set the tone and remember to offer it to your child. Try reading motivational quotes or inspirational words each day, preferably in the morning, to help set your attitude for the day. This positivity will overflow into your parenting and might improve your life! You will feel yourself becoming a better mom in no time.

3. Be Specific

Generic praise is great, but it’s even better if you can be more specific and offer them targeted encouragement. For example, instead of just saying “good job” after a child’s soccer game, you can say, “you did a great job at getting the ball from the other players; that one time that you tripped and still saved the play was awesome, etc.”

Being specific will get your kids thinking about their individual actions. Suppose you are offering words of wisdom and giving encouragement around specific instances. In that case, they will have a positive association with those events, regardless of whether or not it was something they succeeded or failed at. This might also encourage them to focus on the great things that they were able to accomplish and let go of any unrealistic expectations they have set for themself.

4. Encourage Them to Praise Others

Just as you provide words of encouragement and support for your child, teach them to pass on that praise and encouragement to others, whether it’s their friends, classmates, siblings, or a stranger. After a while, you won’t have to remind them. It will be second nature for them to speak to others this way.

Encouragement and words of inspiration are contagious. Teaching your child to behave kindly and supportively is just the start of creating a more kind and encouraging environment. Uplift your children, and you will play a role in uplifting others, too! You will have an all-around happier environment moving forward as your child learns to be encouraging and motivating to others. Watching your child be sincere in offering encouragement and help is a proud parent moment!

85 Encouraging Words to Use With Children

General Words of Encouragement

  • I will always love you.
  • I have faith in you.
  • You’re a great friend/kid/helper/brother or sister, etc.
  • All ideas are great ideas.
  • Believe in yourself.
  • I am grateful to have you in my life.
  • You make me smile.
  • I am so thankful that you are my child.
  • Always be yourself.
  • You can’t change what’s happened, but you can help shape the future.
  • I love spending time with you.
  • It’s always okay to ask for help.
  • Mistakes happen, and that’s okay.
  • You can stand up for yourself.
  • You are great at solving problems.

Encouragement for When Your Child Is Upset Or Having a Bad Day

  • It’s okay not to be okay.
  • There aren’t any bad feelings.
  • Feelings are normal.
  • Crying is okay.
  • These feelings will pass soon.
  • Take time to feel your feelings.
  • Would you like a hug?
  • I understand how you’re feeling.
  • I’m sorry you’re having a hard time overcoming this.
  • Is there anything I can do that would help you feel better?
  • I am here for you.
  • Everyone has hard days, and that’s okay.
  • You are never alone.
  • I would really like to talk about whatever is upsetting you.
  • Nobody is perfect, and that is okay.

Encouragement When Your Child Is Struggling With a Task

  • I believe in you.
  • It’s okay to take your time when learning something new.
  • Trying new things is exciting.
  • You’re so brave.
  • Learning is hard work.
  • You’ve got this.
  • Try taking some deep breaths.
  • Your effort is more important than succeeding.
  • Trying new things can be scary, but I will be here to support you.
  • Don’t give up.
  • It might be hard now, but you will be happy once you’ve done it.
  • All of your hard work will be worth it.
  • Mistakes and struggles are how we learn to be better.
  • You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but I think you will be proud of yourself when it’s over.
  • All you can do is try your best.

Encouragement When Your Child Is Successful at Something

  • Hard work pays off.
  • Great job.
  • I knew you could do it if you just kept trying.
  • I am proud of you.
  • Watching you work so hard was inspiring.
  • Congratulations on achieving your goals.
  • Isn’t it exciting when all your work pays off?
  • I am so proud of you for not giving up when things got hard.
  • You kept trying until you could do it; that was awesome.
  • What was your favorite part?
  • I bet you are so proud of yourself.
  • You inspire me.
  • Watching you learn and grow is my favorite part of being your parent.
  • What are you most proud of yourself for doing today?
  • You are so talented.

Encouraging Words to Thank Your Child

  • You were a great example today.
  • You are such a wonderful helper.
  • I am grateful for everything you do for me.
  • I appreciate you.
  • Thank you for sharing your feelings with me.
  • I love it when you are a good listener.
  • I am so proud of the person you are becoming.
  • You did a good job at putting someone else first today.
  • Thank you for teaching me new things.
  • You are getting so good at sharing with others.

Positive Affirmations for Kids

  • You can do hard things.
  • You are kind.
  • You are important.
  • You are loved by so many people.
  • You are strong.
  • You are capable.
  • You are brave.
  • You are unique
  • You are intelligent.
  • You are a great leader.
  • You are inspiring.
  • The world needs you.
  • You are worthy.
  • You are perfect just the way you are.
  • You can do anything you put your mind to.

Final Thoughts on Words of Encouragement for Kids

Hopefully, this list has given you some ideas of supportive words and encouraging phrases you can use with your child. There are many ways to encourage your child and help them discover their greatness.

Being intentional with using positive affirmations and uplifting words with yourself and your child will lead to an overall more positive atmosphere for your family and even other family and friends you spend time with frequently because kindness is contagious!

Never hesitate to encourage those around you, especially children. They are the future, and if more adults in the world can practice offering encouragement and words of support, our world will soon become a much more kind and joyful place to live.

This article originally appeared on Hello Sensible.

Kayla of Motivation for Mom
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Kayla is the content creator over at Motivation for Mom. She is a wife and mother who loves to share the tips,  tricks, and life lessons she has learned over the years with all of her readers. Her primary focus is on children’s education, motherhood, and healthy family relationships!

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